Wednesday, August 10, 2011

quiz 9 - answer

1.       Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the types of cybercrime perpetrators: hacker, cracker, script kiddie, corporate spy, unethical employee, cyberextortionist, and cyberterrorist.

computer security risk.  = an event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing capability

hacker = originally a complimentary word for a computer enthusiast.  Now it has a derogatory connotation with the same definition as cracker

cracker = person who tries to access a computer or network illegally

2. Describe various types of Internet and network attacks (computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, rootkits, botnets, denial of service attacks, back doors, and spoofing), and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks, including firewalls, intrusion detection software, and honeypots.

Virus = alters the way the computer works, without the user’s knowledge

Worm = copies itself repeatedly, using up memory space or slowing down a network
Trojan horse = malicious program within a legitimate program

Safeguards against computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses

No methods guarantee a computer or network is safe from malicious-logic programs.
Precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of virus infection:

1.  do not boot the computer with a disk in the A: drive
2.  only open email from a trusted source
trusted source = company or person you believe will not send you a virus-infected file knowingly.
3.  turn off the message preview function for email programs
4.  set the macro security level to medium            
5. install an anti virus program and update it frequently
6.  If the anti-virus program flags an email attachment as infected, delete the email immediately
7.  scan all portable disks for viruses (floppies, zip disks, etc)
8.  Create a recovery disk and write protect it
9. Install a firewall
10.  Make backup copies of your important files

3. Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use

Safeguards against unauthorized access and use

1.  Companies should have an acceptable use policy (AUP).

2.      Firewalls

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